Mommy Smoothie

As I get ready for #2 to make his arrival, I’m also thinking back to some of my favorite treats from when Cody was first born. As a new mom concerned about maintaining my breastmilk supply, I became a little obsessed with galactogogues and creative ways for combining them for easy consumption. Smoothies were an obvious choice given that at times with an infant, it can be quite difficult to get a solid, seated meal in one’s system.  Continue reading

Breastfeeding Lifesaver: Mommy Mix

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! I’ve had so many friends give birth in the last few weeks, it’s insane. As such, I’ve gotten to go visit new squishy newborns to my heart’s content. By now, hopefully you know the basics of visiting parents of newborns (keep it short and sweet, leave your little at home and bring foods!!!) As a relatively crunchy mom, I also like to take care of mommies’ other major need in the first few weeks: breastfeeding!  Continue reading